Please use the latest version of the archiver. We recommended -
FULLSET = the entire set of files from this archive FLASH = full flash file. DAMOS = a file that includes descriptions of all maps in the super map pack for Winols program TEST = FULL = full (BDM, BOOT or BENCH) reading of the ECU, all the information needed to restore the ECU or clone. SRS = crash+clear or clear eeprom file. OBD = flash (BIN file) read through obd or VR(virtual read), only maps. EEP = eeprom file.
Please use the latest version of the archiver. We recommended -
FULLSET = the entire set of files from this archive FLASH = full flash file. DAMOS = a file that includes descriptions of all maps in the super map pack for Winols program TEST = FULL = full (BDM, BOOT or BENCH) reading of the ECU, all the information needed to restore the ECU or clone. SRS = crash+clear or clear eeprom file. OBD = flash (BIN file) read through obd or VR(virtual read), only maps. EEP = eeprom file.
Please use the latest version of the archiver. We recommended -
FULLSET = the entire set of files from this archive FLASH = full flash file. DAMOS = a file that includes descriptions of all maps in the super map pack for Winols program TEST = FULL = full (BDM, BOOT or BENCH) reading of the ECU, all the information needed to restore the ECU or clone. SRS = crash+clear or clear eeprom file. OBD = flash (BIN file) read through obd or VR(virtual read), only maps. EEP = eeprom file.
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